We know that you have other options, but we believe that consignment is the most fair and convenient way to sell used gear. We have an obligation to our consignors to sell their items for a fair price and return to them the value they deserve.
Consignors can skip the hassle of selling themselves: scheduling visits, inviting strangers to your home, negotiating prices, taking pictures, and creating posts. Your time is valuable. After you bring in your gear, you can sit back, relax, go on an adventure, and let us take care of the rest.

Buying local, used gear keeps items in the community instead of the dump while helping you get outside more or try new things without breaking the bank. We have an obligation to our consignors to sell their items for a fair price and return to them the value they deserve, AND we have an obligation to our customers to sell quality gear at reasonable prices.
This balance means that every item in the store has been vetted and priced fairly with both the consigner and the customer in mind. Our physical location gives you the opportunity to browse tons of items without the pressure or hassle associated with private sales.